Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
A Speech, Language and Communication Needs Information Booklet.
Speech and Language - Pronunciation Screening Form & Booklet.
A Personal Target / Rewards Chart.
A Dyslexia Friendly Reading and Writing Activity Book.
A Dyslexia Screening Form.
Make Y3 Report Writing much easier this year. Just copy and paste what you need:
Year 3 ‘Expected Level’ statements.
Year 3 report targets.
Year 3 report comments.
4 great alphabet resources:
Alphabetical Order - PowerPoint.
Alphabetical Order Worksheet.
Handwriting & Letter Formation: Small printable alphabet sheets.
An Alphabet Class Assembly.
A great selection of inference-based resources:
A 3-page inference booklet: students must read though a variety of situations (15 in total) and choose the most appropriate outcome for each.
A useful INFERENCE activity to use/adapt with your class.
A ‘making inferences’ worksheet
A list of inference questions and objectives.
An 8-slide Inference PowerPoint. This slide show explains how to teach inference. Good for a small teacher-training session!
A 4-page booklet containing sentences for your student’s to INFER. They include:
The dog was barking.
There is a fire engine at school.
Your teacher in not at school today.
Dad wanted a party.
Inference games called ‘What word am I?’ and ‘Give me a Clue’.
**Celebrate Valentine’s Day with this superb bundle of 6 resources: **
A Valentine’s Day Assembly about LOVE.
2 further assemblies about kindness & sharing.
A Valentine’s Day worksheet and card-making resources.
A ‘Family’ themed creative writing task.
A PowerPoint about consideration for others.
Ideal for younger learners (Key Stage 1)
This is a great bundle IF you teach Year 1.
Maths tracking sheets and tests, expected levels, DT units of work, ICT overview, report comments/targets, activities AND MORE!
Teach your class about natural disasters, how to protect our oceans and how to improve the environment with this bundle of resources.
Also included is a school assembly about LITTER - very effective.
Our World - Activity & Assembly Bundle!
Food Around The World - PowerPoint + Worksheet.
Assembly: World Peace Day + Paper Crane.
Assembly: The 7 Continents.
Protect our Oceans - PowerPoint.
Volcanoes and other Natural Disasters - Presentation.
Countries & Continents - World Map Activity.
Learn to spell and read using these great resources for KS1 and Early Years.
11 resources attached:
PowerPoint Presentations.
CVC words.
Spelling Test Sheets.
High Frequency Words.
*** Fully editable Resources!**
Everything you need to teach a great unit of work.
All resources attached.
12 weeks worth of plans.
Fully editable.
Age range: 5 - 9 years.
To describe a holiday.
To describe different types of holiday.
To discuss jobs associated with holidays.
To find out more about the role of a pilot.
To act out a holiday.
To write and perform a play script.
To interview a pilot.
To draw an aeroplane.
To write a super sentence.
To identify features of a campsite and experience a camping adventure.
To write a letter of thanks.
To plan and write a camping adventure story.
Kick start the school year with this bundle of fully editable activities…
Introductory letters to your class.
3 ‘Getting to know YOU’ worksheets.
A Homework activity for your student’s to complete about themselves.
A summer holiday storyboard.
A classroom jobs list - to display.
Name Necklace.
Me in a BAG activity.
Team Building Games.
6 end-of-year activities!
A memories booklet and worksheet.
An end-of-year party (set of resources).
An end of year activity booklet (9 pages).
End of year class profile sheet.
End of year class notes.